Lighthouse was pleased to again be part of the prestigious Brighton Photo Biennial. In 2012, the Biennial brought a host of emerging and internationally acclaimed photographers and artists to the city. It populated the city’s established spaces and more unusual ones, with free exhibitions, new commissions, events and interventions, exploring Brighton’s urban landscape.
Lighthouse's exhibition for Brighton Photo Biennial 2012 was by Trevor Paglen.
The Biennial also featured work by leading international artists, including Edmund Clark, Omer Fast, Julian Germain, Jason Larkin, Trevor Paglen, Corinne Silva, Thomson and Craighead and more.
Brighton Photo Biennial 2012 was curated and produced by Photoworks, the UK’s leading visual arts agency for photography. It examined a wide range of photographic practices and reflected on The Politics of Space . It looked at how space is constructed, controlled and contested, how photography is implicated in these processes and the tensions and possibilities this dialogue involves. It provided a critical space to think about relationships between the political occupation of physical sites and the production and dissemination of images.
Responding to recent efforts to politically re-imagine urban space through social and civic uses, Brighton Photo Biennial 2012 presented photography and imagery generated by professional photographers and the public at large; grassroots activism and media spectacle; established names and recent finds; contemporary work and older photographic practices.
Lighthouse has been involved with Brighton Photo Biennial since 2008, and has staged exhibitions by Geert van Kesteren (2008) and Molly Landreth and Zoe Strauss (2010).
As well as presenting the exhibition by Trevor Paglen we also staged a number of other events and education activities
- Whose Streets? – screenings on 6-7 October
- Lunchtime tour of Trevor Paglen’s show, 11 October
- Make Your Own Zine – workshop for young people, 13 October
- Professional Practice Weekend, 13-14 October
- Family workshops, 20, 27 October
- Monthly Talk: Edmund Clark, BPB artist, 1 November
- Late Night Opening and Tour, 2 November
Dates: 06 October – 04 November 2012
Venue: Across Brighton and Hove