Online Workshop:
An Introduction to Modular Synthesis Using VCV Rack
A free online workshop for Black* music producers that will introduce modular synthesis using free software VCV Rack. Lead by K Man (The Phantom).
There's an activist sentiment behind the workshop, which has to do with diversifying the culture surrounding Modular Synthesisers. That's why it was decided in this instance to offer the limited 10 spaces only to people with African or Caribbean lineage/heritage.
In this online workshop, K Man will demonstrate the fundamental principles of modular using VCV Rack, with a focus on using the software to create new sounds and patterns that can then be sampled, or used as a starting point for tracks within a DAW.
The workshop will focus on practical exploration over discussion of theory and demonstrate how use of the software (and by extension, modular synthesiser hardware) can be incorporated into your existing musical practice.
Modular synthesisers are expensive, so there is a high barrier to entry. VCV Rack is a free modular synthesiser emulator, with which users can experiment with modular synthesis without the cost associated with hardware. Modular synthesis can throw up unexpected and exciting results, and the workflow is radically different to that in a DAW such as Ableton.
You will get the most out of this workshop if you are familiar and comfortable with how music software works (whether that’s Ableton, Logic, Cubase etc), but do not need prior experience with modular synths.
All participants must download VCV Rack and create an account before the workshop: https://vcvrack.com/. When you book your ticket, you’ll be provided with some reading materials to look over in advance of the session.
This event is for 10 participants.
*Note: This is an opportunity for Black artists and musicians. Following discussions with our Black peers and collaborators together with our reading and research, we define ‘Black’ as being of African or Caribbean descent in this instance.
About K Man (The Phantom)
K Man (The Phantom) is a South London electronic music producer with releases on Deep Medi Musik and Circle Vision and who works for U.K. synthesiser module manufacturer ALM Busy Circuits. K Man has been releasing music since 2014 and is an expert in modular synthesis techniques.
This event will take place online via platform/software Zoom. Zoom requires you to create and log into a registered account. You may create an account for free here. Participants will receive a link to the event on the day of the workshop: Saturday 12th December 2020.
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss how we can support you to virtually attend and enjoy this online workshop: info@lighhtouse.org.uk
An Introduction to Modular Sunthesis Using VCV Rack workshop is part of Re-Imagine Europe, which is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. Re-Imagine Europe is initiated by Sonic Acts (NL) and coordinated by Paradiso (NL) in collaboration with Elevate Festival (AT), Lighthouse (UK), Ina GRM (FR), Landmark / Bergen Kunsthall (NO), A4 (SK), Disruption Network Lab (DE), Ràdio Web MACBA (ES), Urban Paradoxes (NL) and Kontejner (HR).